An Introduction to
Human Design
and Me.

Step into your Highest Self
Professional transformation Coaching & Human design

What is Human Design?
Human design in a combination of acient and modern science.
It is a very detailed and diverse self exploration system where you get a roadmap of your self in front of you.
Not only your psychological core patterns but as well how your body is designed to work and how your unique energy works inside of it all.
The purpose of knowing your design is being empowered in being your unique self.
It empowers your highest potential and gives you a huge foundation of knowledge to expiriment with in life, to flow in the least resistant and best way with your unique perfect Design.
Services linked to Human Design
What i can offer you
Your Human design
A deep dive into your Unique Design
180 EUR
(im open for special prices based on your income)
Via Zoom
Recorded Reading
(You get your Human Design Reading fully recorded via Audio by me + a call for your reflections & questions after )
Human design Coaching
A Session of transformative one and a half hours
If you actively want to master specific challenges
on the way to your highest potential Design
150 EUR
(im open for special prices based on your income)
Via Zoom
Recorded Reading
(You get your Human Design Reading fully recorded via Audio by me + a call for your reflections & questions after )
Your Life Purpose
based on Human design
What are you here for?
What is the Purpose you are here to shine in?
(i would recommend this Reading after knowing your foundational Human design)
80 EUR
(im open for special prices based on your income)
Via Zoom
Recorded Reading
(You get your Human Design Reading fully recorded via Audio by me + a call for your reflections & questions after )

Integral Coaching
Every situation in your life is a gift.
A gift of new insights for your expansion of self. What kind of challenge/gift are you dealing with?
…Challenges in the inner world - how to master your outer world
...deep inner patterns that don't fit your highest potential
...big life changes and extraordinary situations​
In coaching we look at all the layers of the packaging of your challenge.
Until then the knowledge - root theme shows.
Coaching is an accompanied reflection process which takes hold of the root of the topic and allows powerful "AHA" moments to happen.
Through the practical approach of coaching, the positively transformed seeds of the topic are integrated into actions so that the fruits of these come to light in life.
...experience life-changing transformation ​
I accompany you with my most present presence in your process of transformation
​​​Let's tune in!​
Via Zoom
About 90 to120 Minutes per Session

Within you
is the Hero of your story!
About Me
We are all different and same
Since 2015, my daily work has been caring for people in all their diversity.
I was allowed to accompany people in their final phase of life,
people in their first months and years,
as well as humans with cognitive and psychological dis- (other) abilities.
I am fascinated by the unbelievable complexity and simplicity, the uniqueness as well as the connectedness that makes up our human being.
In the self-experiment I discover how the personality of a human being is set up again and again.
With a personal 0 point, my built-up “I” broke away.
Who am I really?
Through the in-depth analysis of all emotional and mental patterns that defined my being and doing, I came to realize my true power.
This underlying life energy, which is underneath everything we are able to percieve and observe.
The basis of all creations, of our mind, our senses, our ability to experience and frame our outlook on the outer world.
I love to understand my hindering patterns and transform them into patterns of empowerment.
To be the creator of my life.
And so can you.​
I'm happy to accompany you on your path to the longed-for inner&outer transformation.​
I wish that we wake up to our true potential and realize what unbelievable beings we are.

I. S.
I wish i would have heard these things about my Design when i was just growing up! Wow. I think a human design reading should be a common thing to learn about in schools!
R. L.
I unconsciously knew all these details you told me about in my Human design reading, but i've finally found out that im perfect as i am. And how much potential i really have. Also i know where my channenges come from and how to overcome them.
This empowerment was simply amazing Moira!
S. R.
Moira Lou hat eine wahnsinns empathische Art, sodass man sich ihr gerne öffnet. Sie hat mich stets auf allen Ebenen abgeholt, sodass ich nicht nur meine Gedanken ordnen konnte, sondern auch die Reaktionen meines Körpers darauf gespürt habe. Mit sortierten Gedanken durfte ich mich auf den Heimweg und an die Umsetzung meiner Pläne machen. Herzlichen Dank! Gerne wieder!
L. B.
Mit der herzlichen, inspirierenden und weisen Art von Moira Lou konnte ich während den Coaching Sessions viel über mich selbst erfahren. Sie hat eine sehr gute Menschenkenntnis und hat mich dort abgeholt, wo ich stand. Das hat mir Sicherheit gegeben, sodass ich mich vollkommen öffnen konnte. Herzlichen Dank!

My Contact
Bookings via direct Buttons on Website
or aswell
via whatsapp on +41786311536
via E-mail moira.renggli@gmail.com
Much love, Moira lou